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Many cam girls or creators are looking for additional sources of income. With messenger.VIP, Visit-X offers a very special opportunity to earn money with Telegram. Every creator can conveniently sell their content to fans via a mobile or desktop app. The highlight: the messages are sent to all contacts within a free channel – but for the recipient it looks like a 1:1 chat! They can also register for a second, paid subscription channel (VIP). All of this takes place within the Telegram app. Of course, the recipients do not see their own cell phone number.
In addition to the pay-to-unlock messages with photos or videos, the user can also send additional tips at any time. Messages can be sent on a scheduled basis in the message planner.
Ideal for advertising on social media
There are often problems with Instagram & Co. when posting links to adult sites or landing pages. Not so with messenger.VIP. The… link leads to a personal Telegram channel, which only “gets down to business” after registration.
The administration of both Telegram channels (Free and VIP) is clearly arranged from your own VISIT-X profile. Among other things, background images, auto messages, subscription price and many other features can be set there.
Messeger.VIP can be used practically from anywhere thanks to its operation via the Telegram app. Unlike responsive or “mobile friendly” websites, Telegram is operated natively on the cell phone – the majority of customers consume the content on their mobile anyway.
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