Creator of the Month June 2024: Texas Patti in interview

Jun 1, 2024 #Texas Patti
Texas Patti Interview

Also available in: Deutsch (German)

In June 2024, it is a very special pleasure and honor for us to present Texas Patti aka Bettina Habig as our “Creator of the Month”. She is in many ways the top star of the German adult industry par excellence and shines far beyond her home country. In the interview, she gave us very frank and detailed information about her career, strategies, private matters and her very personal secret of success:

Bernhard Bradatsch:
Patti or Bettina, I am particularly pleased to introduce you as CASZIN’s “Creator of the Month”. After all, you are rightly considered the most successful and best-known active German erotic actress. You have around two million followers on Instagram alone. You can already look back on an unprecedented career spanning several years. You say yourself that your breakthrough came because “Bild” questioned the “double standards of your employer.” Back then, you lost your job as a dental assistant when your boss at the time saw you on the cover of a DVD in an erotic store. I’m sure today you look back on that event with a mild smile. But what was it like for you at the time, were you happy – albeit involuntarily – to be “pushed in the right direction” or was it a bit of a shock for you at first?

Texas Patti:
It was actually a very turbulent time for me back then. At the time, I was actually considering quitting my job as a dental assistant in order to devote myself fully to my career as an erotic actress. The fact that my boss at the time discovered me on the cover of a DVD and I lost my job as a result only made the decision easier for me in the end. Of course I was shocked at first, because you don’t just throw 16 years out of your head like that. It was a mixture of relief and fear of the unknown. Looking back, however, I see it as the necessary nudge in the right direction.

Bernhard Bradatsch:
As I said, the following years were a turbulent time for you, which presumably continues to this day. It’s hard to list your awards, accolades and nominations. It all started with your first Venus Award in 2013, followed by Erotik-Lounge awards, Hot and More and many others. You were nominated a fantastic 32 times for the coveted American AVN Award. The number of Venus Awards you have won over the years adds up to nine, if I count correctly. Along with the awards, your popularity went through the roof, so to speak. How did that affect you personally? I assume that your private life, your environment and your everyday life inevitably changed massively as a result.

Texas Patti:
The years that followed were indeed a tumultuous and exciting time for me that continues to this day. Your list of awards and nominations makes me very proud, but to correct it: I have won a total of 22 Venus Awards. Every single one of them was a huge honor for me, and of course the first one remains something very special.

Awards are a great acknowledgement from both the fans and the industry for the work you have done over the years. They are a recognition and a sign that your hard work and dedication is seen and appreciated.

Texas Patti Interview

My profile has really gone through the roof in parallel with the awards, and that
has inevitably changed my private life, my environment and my everyday life massively. It’s been a big adjustment, but I’m incredibly grateful for the support of my fans. I would be nobody without them. They are the ones who motivate me to keep going and always do my best.

Texas Patti

Bernhard Bradatsch:
I can’t even list the names of the production companies you’ve worked with in Europe and the USA without going beyond the scope of this interview. They read like a who’s who of the adult industry. You must have gathered a wide variety of experiences. Do you have any particular preferences for scenes that you particularly enjoy shooting?

Texas Patti:
Yes, I’ve actually shot for about 90% of all the well-known labels in Europe and the USA, and I’m very proud of that. I have gained a lot of experience through my work and every production brings its own challenges and joys.

As I’m passionate about this job, I always have a lot of fun shooting. I particularly like shooting scenes that I personally enjoy the most. My
absolute favorite is and remains the “GB”. It’s simply a type of scene that makes me feel particularly comfortable and is always great fun.

Texas Patti

Texas Patti Interview

Bernhard Bradatsch:
At the beginning of your career, you were still involved in marketing on DVD before everything practically shifted completely to the Internet. Did this affect you as an actress or does it more or less not matter how your productions are marketed?

Texas Patti:
Nothing has really changed in front of the camera. Production is still the same as it used to be, even if the cameras have become smaller. Marketing, on the other hand, has changed completely. As a businesswoman and marketing and sales expert, my team and I naturally had to take a completely different approach in order to remain successful.

Nevertheless, the golden rules of marketing and sales always remain the same. What changes,
are the tools we use. With the start of the 4th industrial revolution, I have come to love and appreciate the opportunities and possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI). I see AI as a huge opportunity that I don’t want to and won’t miss.

Bernhard Bradatsch:
Since 2012, the press reports about you can hardly be counted. In addition to industry publications such as Eronite or GAN, the tabloids such as “Bild” or “TZ”, but also “Frankfurter Rundschau”, “Brigitte” or public television. The reports about you in the USA add to this. You were also the exclusive advertising face of Beate Uhse TV for several years and have proven your talent as a presenter yourself. Do you have any advice for newcomer actresses on how to reach such dizzying heights of popularity?

Texas Patti:
I’m glad you asked me that question. You’re not the first person to ask me, and my answer is always the same:

  • Discipline
  • Hard work
  • innovation
  • Sport
  • Order
  • Structure
Texas Patti Interview

Das nötige Quäntchen Glück, wobei ich hier immer sage, wenn mir jemand Glück wünscht: “Danke, aber brauche ich nicht, hatte ich auch nie.”Diese Grundsätze haben mir geholfen, meine Karriere auf das nächste Level zu heben und meine Popularität zu steigern. Es ist wichtig, immer fokussiert und zielstrebig zu bleiben, sich stetig weiterzuentwickeln und fit zu halten. Innovation und Anpassungsfähigkeit sind ebenso entscheidend wie eine klare Struktur im Alltag. Und letztlich spielt auch das Schicksal eine Rolle, aber ich glaube fest daran, dass man sein eigenes Glück schmieden kann.

Texas Patti

Bernhard Bradatsch:
You decided some time ago to move the center of your life to the USA, Los Angeles to be precise. Was this a necessity in order to work on the really big productions?

Texas Patti:
The decision to move the center of my life to Los Angeles was the best of my life, by the way. I always had the goal of becoming the best, and you can only achieve that if you measure yourself against the greatest. The USA was therefore the logical step to play in the “Champions League” of the industry – to bring soccer into play. And as a hardcore BVB fan, I know exactly what I’m talking about. In Los Angeles, I had the opportunity to work on the really big productions and to develop myself further.

Bernhard Bradatsch:
Unlike some other actresses, you make no secret of your real name. Almost all press publications also mention Bettina Habig. This shows that you are 100% committed to what you do. Have you never had any concerns about family and friends?

Texas Patti:
No, a definite no. We have never made a secret of my profession. My husband and I don’t like to lie, and we would have had to if we had kept it a secret. We even asked our family and friends for advice over coffee and cake when it came to whether I should stay a dental assistant or become a porn star.

When you’re in the public eye, you have to do it with skin and hair. And hey, in the
age of artificial intelligence, you can’t keep your name a secret anyway.
anyway. I also want to be perceived as approachable, because once again: without fans, there would be no TexasPatti.

Bernhard Bradatsch:
Today you have a massive presence on various social media. You are also on camp portals such as Livestrip and very active on OnlyFans. Have these marketing channels replaced traditional productions to a certain extent?

Texas Patti:
No, I made the strategic decision in my company to focus on different segments very early on. We are building on a broad base that includes content production and distribution, streaming, texting, model consulting, model education and social media consulting. The webcam is only a small part of my business.

This diversity allows us to react flexibly to changes in the market while at the same time
and at the same time utilize different sources of income. Each of these activities complements the others and helps us to remain stable and successful. Traditional productions still have a firm place in my business model, while new platforms and media offer additional exciting opportunities.
offer exciting opportunities.

Bernhard Bradatsch:
Bettina, thank you once again for the interview, the insights into your life and your professional career.

“Making of” the penthouse shoot of Texas Patti:

Making of, Penthouse Shooting of Texas Patti

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